Covering a surface of about two square meters, weighing about five kilos, flexible, elastic, resistant and waterproof, the skin is the heaviest and the largest organ of the human body. Thanks to all these properties, its function is to protect our body.

Just like our Planet, it has its climate zones that differ from one ecosystem to another, and of course from one person to another! Therefore a specific and unique approach is absolutely essential.

The established care program can follow two objectives: beauty or wellness.


BEAUTY CARE PROGRAM Skin lifting and tightening 
WELLNESS CARE PROGRAM Correction and rehabilitation


Beauty care sessions stimulate cellular regeneration by skin cleansing and facial muscular activation.

Associated with cleansing and prevention procedures, various muscular massages accelerate the removal of oxidatization caused by stress, stimulate the renewal of hyaluronic acid and sliding of fascia. All of this massively contributes to the elasticity and tonicity of the skin.

This care program not only provides oxygenation and radiance to your skin but also offers a feeling of well-being and immediate continuous results.

The beauty care program also involves application of products, specifically prepared or recommended depending on the issues and the type of skin. Loubna also strives to empower her customers by helping them improve their precious routine and guiding them in their cosmetics choices.


For people of all ages, a number of pathologies, skin interventions, accidents, etc. can be treated or taken care of by specifically developed methods. Acne, scars, cutaneous reactions related to stress, asymmetry of facial expressions, scalp imbalances, seborrheic dermatitis, bruxism are some of the problems that Loubna confronts with determination.

This wellness care program is designed for those who are confident that natural and non-invasive techniques are more efficient than generic practices wich can sometimes be aggressive and harmful.

Pre- and post-operative care can be considered in collaboration with surgeons. Just like in beauty care program, the procedures and care products application are aimed at correcting imbalances in respect of individual physiology and skin biorhythms.